As per Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) news release, trading of the shares of aamra technologies ltd. (ATL) will start at DSE from July 04, 2012 under ‘N’ category. DSE Trading Code for Aamra Technologies Ltd. is “AAMRATECH” and DSE Company Code is 22647.
The Securities and Exchange Commission on 20th February 2012 had approved the initial public offering (IPO) prospectus of aamra technologies ltd (ATL) to raise Tk 51.77 crore from the public.
The IPO Lottery was conducted at the Seminar Hall of the Institution of Engineers (IEB), Ramna, Dhaka on 2nd May 2012. ATL IPO has been oversubscribed by more than 2.22 times and the subscription has been successfully completed.
Using the fixed price method, ATL has floated 2.15 crore ordinary shares of Tk 10 each at an offer price of Tk 24, including a premium of Tk 14. With the proceedings from the IPO, the company will invest in setting up ATM and POS terminals. The company’s earnings per share is Tk 2.61, while the net asset value per share is Tk 24.81, according to its 2010 financial statements.
ATL was incorporated in Bangladesh as a public company in February 3, 2010. ATL was previously known as Texas Electronics Ltd and was renamed on December 31, 2007. ATL is the sixth IT Company to be listed on the Bangladesh stock market.